Guaranteed transparent pricing
No sales pitch, no hidden costs,
just the price you will pay
Our website cost calculator will provide an estimate based on standard assumptions. Some projects have different requirements and our estimate will not include special features e.g. booking systems, event solutions & unique internal page designs. Content population over 50 pages will be quoted for as an additional cost.
Select your features below and we’ll give you an instant quote.
Click to add:
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
£ 0000 Upfront &£ 0000 Upon completion |
or | £500 Upfront &£ 0000 /mo for 12 months |
Website hosting costs:
Brochure - £20/month
Add-on eCommerce
Up to 100 products - £30/month
Up to 2500 products - £45/month
Unlimited products - £70/month
**MONTHLY PAYMENT option available to help with cashflow during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telemarketing Web Design
B2C Web Design
B2B Web Design
Retail Web Design
Unlock Your Digital Potential
For Business Owners
All Rights Reserved | Kangaroo UK
Kangaroo UK is the trading name of Kangaroo Marketing & Design Ltd. Company Registration No. 08918158, Registered in England and Wales. VAT No. 181435022. Registered Office: 7 Charter Point Way, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics LE65 1NF. United Kingdom.